Frequently Asked Questions

For All Users

I’m new here, what should I do?

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For Sellers

How does shipping work?

PRO sellers can set advanced shipping rates in the Dashboard. Free sellers can only offer free shipping.

Here are some tips to customize your shipping rates:

Configure basic shipping: Set your shipping, default price, price per item, processing time, and additional location-based fees.

Achieve free shipping by setting your default price as 0, then setting rates for each region you ship to, including “0” price to free-shipping regions

For a customer to be able to purchase, you must have shipping options for their country/region. By default, a shipping fee of $7 per item is added to orders within the USA.

What happens when someone buys my product(s)?

When a successful order is made, the payment is automatically approved and verified

After that we will notify you by email

You have five business days to provide tracking information.

Mark you order Complete once delivery occurs from Dashboard > Orders

Sellers using Stripe will receive payment less fees immediately. Sellers using a different payout option will receive payment less fees by request and may take up to 5 business days.

What happens to my products if I cancel my PRO subscription?

When your subscription ends for any reason, your products lose certain details only available for PRO subscribers and your transaction fees will change according to the current fee schedule for Free Subscriptions. View the Fee Schedule here.

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If you have any questions please Contact Us.

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